Monday, September 15, 2014

30 Days of Gratitude #1

This is the first of my 30 Days of Gratitude posts.  If you're wondering where this idea originated check out my post on Gratitude.  After recognizing that I needed a greater dose of gratitude in my life I decided to take time each day to share one thing I'm grateful for.  

Homeschooling - I’m grateful for the opportunity to homeschool my children this year.  It has allowed my family more freedom to focus on things that matter most.  I feel like I have more time to focus on teaching values, life skills, and I LOVE that James and I can determine the schedule our family sets and not some outside entity.  Our times isn't spent running all over the place.  We are together. and doing more meaningful things together.  We work together, we help one another and we play together.

It has given me the opportunity to drive the academic bus for each of my kids.  We work at their pace and not the pace of a teacher or 25 other children.  We can speed up or slow down where necessary.  It has been so much fun see what my kids are excited about, what they want to learn and then to focus on those areas. 

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