Health and Wellness

Health and wellness have always been important to me and I for years I've been on a mission to better understand how to take care of my body.  I really feel like nutrition is the key to health and wellness and I've been learning TONS about eating clean and am in the process of trying to cut things out and add things into my diet.  It's a process and I'm enjoying the journey.

Earlier this year in January a friend of mine introduced me to several products from a company called Plexus Worldwide that have made a HUGE difference for my health, energy, hormones and weight loss.  In the process of using the products I've learned about candida, leaky gut and the impact these have on our overall health.  It has been AMAZING and I'm so grateful to start to get my health into a great spot!

So here's a little bit of background:  I have 6 wonderful children - 3 school age and then 3 under the age of 5.  For years I've just been tired.  I'd always need to take a nap in the afternoon and then by the time I was done with homework and dinner I was just exhausted.  I've always been looking for something natural to help give me a little more energy.  In January of 2014 one of my good friends told me she was thinking about trying these products from Plexus.  When she mentioned that they helped with energy and weight loss I was interested.

Long story short I signed up to become an Ambassador to get the products at the cheapest price and then share them with my family and friends.  It was awesome!  I started with the Slim which is a natural, stimulant free and caffeine free drink.  It comes in a packet kind of like Crystal light that you just mix with water.  It tastes yummy too - kind of like a raspberry lemonade to me.   The Slim was originally made for diabetics because it helps to normalize blood glucose and insulin resistance along with decreasing total inflammation levels so that the body can naturally release the weight it's been hanging on to.  Additionally, this fat burning does not result in muscle loss unlike many popular "diet" plans.  In reality it just helps your body get health and the side effect is weight loss.

The first month on the Slim I noticed my energy was improving.  I wasn't nearly so tired by the end of the day and I did crash mid afternoon.  Another cool thing was that I started to sleep tons better.  I've always been a really light sleeper and I noticed within a few weeks that I was starting to sleep extremely deeply.  Oh and I did lose a couple pounds and a few inches but not a ton.

By the second month I'd started to learn about their other products for "Gut Health" - ProBio5 and BioCleanse.  These are equally amazing.   The ProBio5 is a probiotic unlike anything I've seen on the market.  It not only has the 5 main strains of probiotic which adds "good bacteria" into your intestines but it also contains enzymes and antifungals that actually help kill the candida which is a HUGE inhibitor to weight loss and good health.  The BioCleanse is a very gentle daily cleanse that oxygenates the body and detoxifies the gastrointestinal tract.  When I added these I started to lose some of my "muffin top" as well as inches throughout my body and my energy level increased some more.

I added the X-factor in the third month.  Once again I had an additional energy surge and I lost some more weight and inches.  The X-factor is an aloe-based multivitamin.   Weird huh - aloe based is HUGE though.  The aloe actually helps the body to absorb the vitamins up to 300% more than those without the aloe.

Interestingly through this process I've started to have regular menstrual cycles which is something that has never occurred in my life.  I've always been very irregular with heavy, painful cycles.  By about the second month I noticed that my cycle had come sooner than usual and that it wasn't very heavy, painful or last as long as normal.  The same thing occurred the following month and so on.  This has been really amazing to me.  I started the products for increased energy and received that and a whole host of other health benefits as well.

About my third month into using the products I also had several molluscum warts that suddenly just started to go away.  Once again I was really amazed and the only thing I can attribute this to was the products - it was about the time that I added the X-factor that I noticed the warts starting to go away.

Here is a before and after picture of myself.  I didn't take a "before" picture because I wasn't really
interested in the weight loss (I looked at it and said it would be great but I was mostly interested in energy.)  Honestly though, I'm a pretty private individual and the thought of sharing a before and after picture with anyone was really a little too much for me at the time.  Part way through my "journey" I wish I had and so I dug up this photo from a October 2013 a few months before I started using Plexus.  

Honestly, I'm really grateful.  I feel like I did when I was 20 before having 6 kids.  I've lost 10 pounds and gone done from a size 8/10 to a size 4/5.  I never thought I'd ever be this size in my life again and this is really just the icing on the cake - I love how much better I feel. 

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