Saturday, September 13, 2014

Plexus MS Testimonials

I love Abigail Canter's Plexus Testimonial.  

"I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in March of 2008. Prior to this I was very fit, very active, in great shape! LOVED Cardio kickboxing and spinning...went 5 days a week. When MS hit me one of my first major symptoms was heat sensitivity..and thanks to that my ability to exercise went to a screeching halt! I had vision issues and severe fatigue. My cognitive level was greatly diminished. The first year with MS and all the medications they put me on...I went from bad to worse. In July of 2009 I was fortunate to be able to have the CCSVI procedure which for me reversed the majority of MS symptoms  and from there I felt I had my life back for a good two years. 

Last November was the first time I had had a relapse since the procedure...and having quit all MS related medications I was NOT willing to go back on them. And understand during this 5yr period of time I went from a very fit physique to weighing 215 lbs on a 5'3 tall body! Never in my life other than having children had I EVER been overweight. Since gaining all this weight post MS diagnosis I have done EVERYTHING under the sun...truly. I am an RN and spent a great majority of my life as a was important to me...but MS robbed me of that. Needless to say the first thing I decided to do was radically change my diet...I began following the auto-immune protocol for Paleo, though I did it in cut out gluten, in Nov, Cut out Diary in Jan, by March I'd lost 13lbs. Was walking daily weather permitting and only lost 12lb!?!?! SO in April I did a 21 Day cleanse with a friend...partly to remove ALL foods from my diet...and understand as well that I have been eating whole, organic food for decades....yes I did eat crap every now and then...but it was NOT a large part of my diet. I rarely drank sodas...I DID drink cappuccino daily! When I started the cleanse I cut out everything and during the cleanse I learned that my body was not tolerating 'nightblooms' (potato, tomato, eggplant and peppers) either. Within 30mins of eating any of the 'bad' foods my right foot went numb and my left eye would get blurry....Needless to say after 3 weeks of intense supplements, crazy recipes...I was down another 9lbs...I continued with the diet and walking 5 days a week...and from April to June...lost nothing. 

While I felt pretty good having handled my MS symptoms this way, I STILL needed to take naps daily....and I still could wear myself out if I did too much and I certainly knew that carrying around all that extra weight was not good for my body!! Thanks to the blessing of my friend Celeste Gwynn who always wore her Plexus t-shirt to theater rehearsals...I decided to give Plexus a try...for 7 I knew my body was hypersensitive STILL to foods/products/additives..that were not good for me. Day 3 I had NO adverse effects, I had lost 3lbs and my husband said I looked slimmer!!  I became an Ambassador that day and have never looked back! 

I currently have lost 27lbs and 42+ inches since starting Plexus. I sleep amazingly well and wake up energized WITHOUT cappuccino I may add! I NEVER woke up energized since the MS diagnosis even after the CCSVI treatment. I have sustained healthy energy throughout the day. My hereditary high BP has come down and I've decreased my meds. This winter for the first time in decades I am NOT using anti-depressants for S.A.D.S...which could be connected to the MS as depression is more prevalent in MS patients. 

My life has changed because of Plexus and I feel so Blessed that I have the ability AND energy to share Plexus with so many people. I hope and pray that it can help others the way it has helped me. I truly feel for the first time in YEARS like myself again. A dear friend once nicknamed my style as 'Abigaily' and I haven't felt that way in a very long husband said the other're becoming 'Abigaily' again...and it warmed my heart! 

This is long...but I hope it is meaningful!! I use ALL of the Plexus products but the Biocleanse as it interferes with my BP Meds. I take the Slim with my Xfactor vitamins first thing in the morning. Take 1-2 Accelerator+ with my Fast Pain Relief and Nerve Health Support after breakfast and then take the FPR & NHS with Probio5 again at bedtime. I still have weight to lose...but I am confident and HOPEFUL that I will get there. Plexus has given me HOPE back and that is a wonderful thing."

This is Tera's Plexus Testimonial

"My name is Tera and here is my testimony so far… of 4.8.2014 

I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and was previously on 5 different meds just for MS that consisted of a total of 24-28 pills a day depending on how I felt as well as a shot in the leg every day. I also have Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chron's disease, migraines and chronic pain syndrome not to mention have had 17 major surgeries (to include 4 lower back surgeries). I was on a total of TWENTY-TWO different prescriptions…yes that was 22 separate bottles with different meds in them) for numerous things previously mentioned along with depression and anxiety. I started Plexus in mid-November and as of today have shut out all MS meds except 1-2 pills at night and occasional Xanax for certain situations! People with MS, RA and/or Fibromyalgia usually have "episodes" where they can't walk or even get outta bed for days. I had those days that turned into weeks in the past few years.
Since starting plexus I have not had a single episode! I have energy during the day and into the evening that I never thought was possible. Plus I've lost 27 pounds and lots of inches (it's about time I measured again)!! . It's very difficult to explain to someone that doesn't have MS or fibromyalgia that we AREN'T lazy.....our bodies simply do not have what it takes to get up and move.

Update as of 4.8.2014

I am now only taking my anti-anxiety medications on an as needed basis and not every night! No more MS pills at night either! I have lost about 35 pounds, joined a gym, hired a personal trainer and even have my 16 year old asking to take it so her face will not break out so much! She is ASKING to go to the gym when we go and drinking more water!
I’ve had people ask me what I take, well here it is:

***Slim drink (20-30 minutes before breakfast but if I happen to miss it, I drink it ASAP

***X Factor (taken with my slim drink) the aloe blend in this multivitamin is patented just for Plexus and has an absorption rate of around 300% - which means everything you take is absorbed about 300 times faster than just drinking or ingesting medications! I will not live without this product!! ***Bio Cleanse (take 2 in the morning with 24 oz of water before I eat anything for the day)

***Bio Cleanse (2 with another 24 oz of water before my dinner – about 15-20 mins before I eat)

***Pro Bio 5 (this one is tricky…I took the candida at home test and mine was horrid…so I ordered the pro bio 5 and started with 2 each night before bed on an empty stomach. After a month I went up to 3 capsules each night and kept with that dosage for about 2 weeks. Then I moved up to 4 capsules a night and kept with that dosage for about 2 months. I then felt like I needed to move back down to 3 a night and did that for about 3 weeks and am currently back down to taking 2 capsules a night at bedtime.

******If you don’t take the Bio Cleanse in conjunction with the Pro Bio 5, for 99% of people the Pro Bio 5 is not going to work at its full potential. Put it this way, you can take out the trash each week but if the trash truck doesn’t come along and empty it, you are stuck with that trash until the next week. If the truck doesn’t show up that next week, you are again stuck with the trash from week 1 and week 2. The pro bio 5 gets rid of all the junk in your gut but the Bio Cleanse is the “trash truck”…the bio cleanse moves all the junk that the pro bio has worked so hard to get rid of and helps your body release it.******

***I also take the Fast Relief products. I take the Fast Relief pills only when I have aches and pains or even a headache. I use the Fast Relief cream on almost everything….my back being the first place, my knees if they hurt, my hands when I have an RA flare up and even my feet especially the bottoms if I have walked a lot that day. There are day where I don’t take these because the rest of the Plexus products I take on a regular basis have helped me so much that I don’t need these on a daily basis.

***I use the Fast Relief Nerve Health Support usually at night before bedtime if I’ve had a long day and my fibromyalgia has flared up. I don’t take this on a daily basis either.

***Plexus body cream – all I can say is OMG….This is my creamy GOLD fountain of youth (except it’s grey in color lol) but I use it on my face and my hands and elbows and feet.

***Last but certainly not least….Plexus 96 protein drink. Vanilla is my FAVORITE! They just came out with chocolate but it just isn’t my thing (my husband likes it) I usually make mine with half 1% milk and the other half Vanilla Almond Soy Milk. I’ve added fruit to mine before and it’s great. There are tons of P96 recipes out on Facebook and online. This is either my breakfast if I’m in a hurry or a late night snack while watching a movie instead of popcorn, candy, soda, etc…that some of my other family that isn’t taking plexus is eating!

I was NEVER, EVER a water drinker. All I used to drink was sweet tea, all kinds of soda! I was a Dr Pepper junkie!!!! I am talking I would drink one as soon as I got up (it was my coffee since I don’t drink it) and couldn’t live without my RT 44 Dr Pepper from Sonic….and sometimes I would have TWO of those a day if I happen to be driving by during happy hour! Since starting Plexus, after about a week I noticed that all soda tasted gross to me and all I wanted was WATER!!!! Yes, I craved water. And yes at first even though I craved it, it got old to me. Do NOT use those water enhancers….they are full of bad stuff like aspartame and you will be defeating the purpose of drinking water! I know this sounds weird but put a few pieces of cucumber in your glass. And the easiest way to drink as much water that you need is to find a cute BPA FREE cup with a STRAW. It will make the world of difference. I have a few that I rotate out so they can be was washed. I found mine at Wal-mart for like $4 each and they hold 24oz of water. I have a small dry erase board on my fridge and keep tally marks when I’m done with that cup of water so I know exactly how much I’ve had and how much more I need for the day!
So I know this was a long read and I apologize for that but I’m just so excited about my progress and even more excited to help others get on their path! If you are a fellow ambassador, please feel free to share! Let’s share Plexus with EVERYONE!

****FYI I didn’t add any of the products that I don’t take on a regular basis in the picture just so you can see what I take on an everyday****

**Plexus offers a 60 day money back guarantee on all full sized products (not the 3 or 7 day trials packs) 
– what other company believes in their product so much that they offer a refund like this? I haven’t found one except Plexus!**"

If you'd like to learn more about Plexus or order your own products check out my Plexus website here:

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